Random Acts of Kindness Day

Today is Random Acts of Kindness Day, and I firmly believe that kindness starts with ourselves because if we can be kind to ourselves we are better placed to help others.

Studies have shown that acts of kindness are linked to increased feelings of wellbeing. Helping others can improve our support networks and encourage us to be more active. This in turn improves our self-esteem.

Please see below for some of my tips on how we can be kind to ourselves and others.

Being kind to ourselves:

Prioritise some me-time, so you can relax and reflect on how you are feeling and how your week has been so far ⏰ 

Turn off from your social media channels for a day, or even a week 🫠

Treat yourself to something small, such as buying or planting some flowers πŸ’ 

Do something you enjoy, like listening to your favourite song or dancing in the shower 🎢 🚿 

Spend some time in nature, which is good for your mental health 🌳 

Small acts of kindness can make a big difference in someone else's life:

Have a conversation with a colleague you don't usually talk to πŸ‘‹πŸ½

Start a book swap club in your department or team πŸ“š 

Write a postcard or secret note to a friend or a loved one and tell them what they mean to you βœ‰οΈ 

Smile at a stranger 😊 

Check-in on a vulnerable neighbour 🏑 

Send a hand-written thank you card to someone who has done you a good turn recently πŸ–ŠοΈ 

Pay for coffee for the person behind you in the queue β˜•οΈ 

Try listening more than speaking today πŸ‘‚πŸ½ 

Hug your pet 🐢 

I hope you find these tips useful and I would love to hear what acts of kindness you have engaged in today.

Be kind! πŸ₯°

Sha Hussain

Founder of The Wellness Movement