Amy Staines

Our Senior Financial Education Manager, Amy, has a background in a Finance, Private Banking and Relationship Management. Passionate about embedding financial education within organisations, she works to empower employees with the knowledge and tools to make informed financial decisions. Her expertise helps businesses create impactful financial wellbeing programs to support employees’ long-term financial wellbeing.

A strong advocate for closing the gender pension and investment gaps, Amy is particularly dedicated to improving women's knowledge and confidence in managing their finances. Through her work, she strives to make financial education more accessible and inclusive.

Katie Vye

Katie’s career in Financial Services spans across 18 years having undertaken roles in Banking, Employee Benefits and most recently, Financial Education. As an experienced financial professional, Katie possesses a relentless enthusiasm for financial education and has supported businesses of all shapes and sizes in both the implementation and delivery of financial education programmes to support the wellbeing of their people.

Katie’s ability to demystify complexities around savings and investments enables employees to build their confidence and in turn, maximise the benefits they have access to.

Click here to learn more about our Financial Wellbeing offering.