World Laughter Day - Sunday 7th May, 2023

Everybody knows that laughing feels good, but few realise how valuable these simple tools can be in improving our everyday wellness and wellbeing. Laughter cannot heal or solve anything, but it can help to heal and dissolve everything. That’s what World Laughter Day is for! It’s a day where people can relieve some stress and laugh. Discover a new happiness workout and learn about what happens during World Laughter Day!

History of World Laughter Day

World Laughter Day is an annual event celebrated worldwide to raise awareness about laughter and its many healing benefits, as well as about thousands of community groups around the world who regularly practice comedy that promote wellness and overall well-being. World Laughter Day is celebrated in most large cities around the world. Hundreds of people gather worldwide on that day to laugh together. It has been celebrated in Los Angeles since 2005 and has since spread all over the world as a way to express people’s love for comedy and laughter.

World Laughter Day is celebrated also by a congregation of laughter club members, their families and friends in their city like big squares, public parks or auditoriums. Laughter clubs usually have a variety entertainment program of music, dance and laughter contests. Winners are those with the most infectious, natural and effortless laughter. Laughter club members during this day participate in a peace march and carry banners and placards such as “World Peace Through Laughter, The Whole World Is An Extended Family, Join a Community Laughter Club – it’s free!” etc. During the march all chant “Ho Ho, Ha-Ha-Ha” and “very good, very good, yay!” clapping and dancing. This is known to be one of the best ways that laughter clubs help you have a good time and join a laughter club for special benefits.

Health benefits of laughter

Is there any better feeling than a deep-rooted belly laugh? Not only does it help us to connect with those we’re laughing with, but there are a number of health benefits that are associated with laughing as well. This includes the following…

Produces a general sense of well-being – One of the main benefits associated with laughter is that you’re generally going to feel better! If you laugh a lot, you’re going to be more of a positive person, and this can impact your life in so many different ways.

The release of endorphins is triggered – Endorphins are the natural painkillers within your body. They are released when you laugh. This can help you to feel good all over while easing chronic pain at the same time.

Boost T-cells – Laughter can also boost T-cells. These are specialized cells in your immune system, which are simply waiting to be activated. When you laugh, T-cells are brought to life, and they can help you to fight off sickness. So, next time you feel like you have a cold coming on, why not add some

giggling and chuckling to your prevention strategy?

Improve cardiac health – Laughter is an exceptional cardio workout, particularly for anyone who is not able to do other types of physical activity because of illness or injury. It will get your heart pumping, enabling you to burn around a similar amount to the calories you would burn while walking at a slow to moderate pace.

Work your abs – One of the advantages associated with laughter is that it will tone your abs. The muscles in your tummy begin expanding and contracting when you’re laughing. This is similar to when you exercise your abs intentionally. At the same time, the muscles that are not in use when you are laughing will get the chance to relax. Is there any better way to get a toned stomach than having a good laugh?

Reduce stress hormone levels – Aside from this, a reduction in your level of stress hormones is another benefit! This helps to cut the stress and anxiety that impacts your body. Moreover, the reduction of stress hormones can cause a higher immune system performance.

Lowers blood pressure – Last but not least, laughing can lower your blood pressure. This can reduce your risk of a heart attack or a stroke..

The Wellness Movement offers Laughter Workshops both online and in-person, click here to learn more...