
julia mitchell

Julia Mitchell specialises in harp for relaxation, meditation and wellbeing, spreading peace and tranquility wherever she plays!

Julia qualified as a Certified Therapeutic Harp Practitioner through the International Harp Therapy Programme in 2016 and subsequently trained in Arpaterapia Immaginativa with leading Italian harp therapist Ludwig Conistabile. 

Julia has played regular and well-attended live sessions in person and online at Complementary Health Centres in her home county of Hertfordshire and led sessions as part of the Friday Night Wind Down at the Mindful Living Show in London and the Be More You/Love Trails Virtual Race and Wellbeing Festival.

Julia is supporting The Wellness Movement in helping professionals access a state of calm and inner peace through specially curated harp therapy webinars.

Julia's previous life was in a corporate environment in IT and Retail Development for a department store. In harp therapy she has found her dream work, using her harp music to help people find the periods of stillness and rest which are so important in the modern world.

Click here to learn more about our Harp Therapy offering.